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Stripping Spams in Chatt Widget

A chat area in your website is great, however, does ever spams look great to you?

The Chatt widget was built as basic as it is. Which means, there are no spam prevention settings. But speed is still an agreeable feature of this widget due to its simplicity.

There is no need to give up. Thanks to JavaScript, spamming will never be easier! With JS (javascript), the spams will be stripped right from your user's browser, which improves your site loading speed at server (though it only involves a small number like 1 milliseconds or so). I am trying to be honest here! There are 3 versions of the script. Each do different things. And all of this were created by Graham Warren, an XtGem staff that controls the XtGem Support. He is a JavaScript master, really.

Let us see the cons first

1. The user must have javascript enabled! Without it enabled this is all nothing!

2. The scripts are provided as-is and modifications should be done by yourself (words to filter)

3. The script is not a God, by this you understand the script may not work on some occasions on an un-particular reason

Version 1: This version allows you to strip the whole chat entry if a banned word is present!

Version 2: This version replaces a banned word into a predefined string for example "fork" to "****"

Version 3: This version allows you to change the custom word to predefined string individually for example "fuck" to "fork" (pardon me)


All of those versions are packed into a .zip file. You can download it by clicking the download link below.

Download scripts

File info for the paranoids:
Size: 3.06 KB (3,136 bytes)
Type: Compressed Zip File
Origin: Self created
Type Origin: Compressed with WinRAR. Archive compression is "store"
Hash: null / not created

Content last updated on:27th May 2014 1:40pm GMT

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