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I tried to create the terms and conditions as short as possible. It would be great if you want to read it.

By using What's New at XtGem, you are generally following and use the information from this website as is. Any damages or mishap or any other particular failure on your website are no way in any means caused by me. Any tutorials will have a proper steps and cautions. Failures to follow any steps and cautions provided are not held responsible by me. Always warn yourself not to follow any tutorials found here in this website when you are not fully understand of such tutorial or you find such information is useless. Bear in mind that if you have any problems do contact me and I will help. However if you are claiming for payments or refund or filed a lawsuit, it is just useless since this terms of service have already explained the liabilities by using my product.

If it just happened that you have did a mishap and require an extra guide from me, you are always welcomed to contact me. I will help you as hard as I could, as long as you comply with this terms of service and understand the possibilities of anything regardless bad or good, when using this service.

As this website already suggests, this website provide contents that are related to any XtGem's updates. However this website is not officially binded with XtGem's service unless notified by any of XtGem's staffs. I am not a staff and I am not working at XtGem. This website is created dedicated free for XtGem without any hopes of return, prize or payment. Eventhough this website was once commented by Povilas, the XtGem's CTO, it does not pointing that this website is related officially to XtGem. This website is not targeting to replace the original XtGem blog. Please prioritise the XtGem blog and the forums before this website.


As of privacy concerns, this service won't log or take into info about your privacy in any way possible. Nothing on our side that should require your personal identities to work. However this is exceptional when making payments and using the contact form. Your e-mail is required when doing contact. When making payments, you are binded with the third-party's terms of service and privacy policy. This means Whats New at XtGem nor GreenWap will not held responsible for data sniffing by third parties. However we try our best to ensure maximum privacy for your behalf.

Last Terms and Statement modification:
2 May 2014 2:14 GMT

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