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XtGem released 2 new stuffs which is aimed for PC users managing their site


Now you can edit multiple files with tabs in the WEB app. However, you need to immediately save before changing to another tab as value isn't stored.

Text Editor

If you select "Text" block inside the WEB app, you can now use the WYSIWYG editor so you can easily style fonts, add links, etc.
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[2015-01-27 11:39] Gocheetz :

hey guy,how can i earn cash with my xtgem site www.gocheetz.xtgem.com

[2015-01-28 23:16] Gocheetz :

Thank u,i wi like to be a gud friend of yours....check my site if it is capable of gaining cash from it @http://:www.gocheetz.xtgem.com.Thanks

[2015-01-28 16:44] TechnoSparks :

To earn cash, you will need to create a nice content for your XtGem site. One way to earn is through advertising. By researching more about advertising on Google you will understand it. By investing good content and time, you will find yourself earning from your hard work.

[2014-04-18 07:55] walkker4 :

How can i add a form to my xtgem site

[2012-06-25 12:39] Mindaugas :

Nice colors!

[2012-06-25 12:05] Povilas :

I love this site, nice job, TechnoSparks!

[2012-06-25 17:43] TechnoSparks :

Thanks guys! ^^ this site is dedicated for XtGem.. :)


Random XtTips pick

Make your XtGem site at least compatible with desktop browsers

You might not knowing that your website is limited to 400px in desktop browsers. It will, produce an unpleasant view of your website. However, there is a workaround on this matter!

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